Brownstown Dental Care ESTEEM Dental Implants

Patient Resources in Brownstown, MI

Because selfies matter.

Patient Center

Patient Forms
Finding a new dental office can often be a challenge. Fortunately, Brownstown Dental Care in Brownstown, Michigan can satisfy all your dental needs. The following will provide you with a detailed guide outlining what to expect from your first visit to our dental office.
Click the following link to download our form:

New Patient Form

Comprehensive Exam
All first-time patients have to undergo a comprehensive exam. This includes a thorough examination of your teeth and gums. The more details you provide, the easier it will be for our dentist evaluate your situation.

X-rays are a way of diagnosing problems that are not easily visible. These include tooth decay, abscesses, impacted teeth and jawbone damage. The details x-rays provide could make all the difference for your overall oral hygiene. Our dentist may also recommend a panoramic radiograph. The dental imaging technique provides a complete visual of your jaws, which helps in pinpointing any damage that tooth decay may have caused to the bone.

Treatment Plan
Once the comprehensive exam and x-rays are complete, our dentist will provide you with solutions to your dental problems. Through a comprehensive treatment plan, we can resolve the problems that are adversely affecting your oral hygiene. Since each treatment plan is developed based on your specific needs, it is imperative that you are clear about your expectations from the start.

Smile Reminders
It can be easy to forget when you scheduled a dental appointment but now we will remind you with a “Smile Reminder” via email or text message, and even provide driving directions if it’s your initial visit. Just click on the link below to let us know how you’d like to be contacted. We’ll do the rest!

Regular visits to your dentist are vital to obtaining optimal oral health. Take the first step in achieving a healthy, beautiful smile is by scheduling a new patient appointment at Brownstown Dental Care in Brownstown, Michigan. Contact our dental office today by calling 734-415-3960. Our dentist and our team are here for all of your dental needs.
Click the following link to download our form:

Smile Reminder Consent Form

Paper Work
You have the option of completing the following new patient paperwork prior to your first appointment to ensure an expedient visit. Click the following link to download our form:

Release of Records Consent

Download Our Dental Implant Pricing & Information Guide.

Want to know the cost of ESTEEM Dental Implants? Fill out the form below and we'll send you the Pricing Guide right away along with a $350 savings offer from Brownstown Dental Care.

Dental Implant Pricing Guide

The Guide will show you:

  • Dental Implant Options
  • Average Pricing
  • Eligibility Factors
  • And much more...

You deserve a new beginning.

A Brownstown Dental Care Patient Case Study

When our full arch implant patients see their new smiles for the first time, the emotion is real and moving. Years of anguish and pain are lifted and their new lives begin. The reactions are incredible and the Brownstown team is always humbled by the experience.  

Contact us today.

Brownstown Dental Care in Brownstown, MI is your local team for dental implants, cosmetic dentistry and other life-changing dental services. Your neighbors count on us for all their dental care needs. From general dentistry and preventative care to complex cosmetic and restorative dentistry procedures, we are your team dedicated to providing quality, comprehensive care under one roof.

Contact us today for life-changing dentistry.

Call (734) 807-4369Email Us

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